"The irony is that the tyrants have no power but that which we have unwittingly relinquished to them… in order to create a better world we simply need to take our power back.
That is my ultimate goal; a better world.
My wisdom in this matter comes from the knowledge that the attainment of this goal is not up to me, it is up to us.”
Ken O'Keefe, Nov. 2015
You, as an individual, can positively impact and influence all of humanity, not just for now but for all future generations.
We are excited to introduce the pre-launch for the world citizen solution, a no compromise yet peaceful and lawful way to extract ourselves from tax obligations that literally make us accomplices to perpetual war.
Or in other words, financiers of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Ken O'Keefe and his team are currently developing a legal and social strategic initiative that will have profound effects on releasing humanity from its current paradigm.
It’s time to stand up for what you know is right.
It’s time for your voice to be heard.
The time is now!
Support and more info here: https://goo.gl/lqLaAs
We are 100% entirely dedicated to ending the perpetual cycle of war and ushering in a lasting era of justice and peace.
The success of this Indiegogo Campaign will ensure that by March 2016 you will be part of something 'game changing'.
This is where we need you!
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